Selected Former Students

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Christopher Loebach

Masters of Science Degree in 2015. He works at Kapur and Associates in Milwaukee, Wisconsin as an ecologist. The company is an engineering consulting firm ans he mainly work with our clients to ensure they are in compliance with environmental regulations. A major portion of his work is conducting wetland delineations so that the engineers can design their projects around wetlands as to not disturb them.

Mitch Slater

Masters of Science Degree in Spring 2011.  He is currently employed by the USDA Forest Service in Grand Rapid, Minnesota he is working on project related to the potential ecological effects of loss of black ash trees due to invasion by the emerald ash borer

Alicia Mullarkey

Masters of Science Degree in 2009.  Alicia is  Prairie Preserve Manager at the University of Nebraska at Omaha.

Jonathan Bauer

Masters of Science Degree in 2007.  Jonathan received his doctoral degrees from University of Indiana in 2014.  His current work focuses on the consequences of non-native plant invasion and the development of more effective management strategies.

Danny J. Gustafson

Masters of Science Degree 1996, in Conservation Biology and Plant Ecology.  Ph. D. from Southern Illinois University in 2000. Danny is an Associate Professor of Plant Molecular Ecology at The Citadel, Charleston, SC.  His research is focused on on mechanisms structuring populations and communities

Greg Houseman

Masters of Science Degree in 1988.   Ph. D. from Michigan State University  2004. Greg is an Assistant Professor at Wichita State University. His research is focused on  processes controlling development and maintenance of ecological communities, with emphasis on patterns of species diversity, invasion, and the ecosystem production.

Dwight E. Adams.

Masters of Science Degree in 1979. Ph. D. from the University of Oklahoma 1982.  Assistant Director to the FBI and Director of the FBI Crime Lab 2002 . He was the recipient of the Presidential Rank Award as Distinguished Executive; the highest award given within the Federal Government.  Currently he is the Director of the University of Central Oklahoma Forensic Science Institute.


Total Graduate Students for whom I served as their major professor:  32 Master of Science and 4 Doctoral Students